Winter Music Recital 2014
Well another music recital has come and gone, time sure goes by quickly. I am now in Sunbeams 3 and it sure has been a jump in learning over last year. After I finish this year, I will have one and a half more years of Music for Young Children and then I’m not sure what I’ll do with music. I definitely love playing the piano and making music, but there is so much to explore with music and I am interested in so many instruments. Starting in Grade 5 at school I can be in band and choose my own instrument, I would Love to learn flute right now! I also love drums though, so I’m not sure what I will do. For my recital I played “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen” and “Sonatina”, I practised ALOT and did well – I’m proud of myself. I also finished writing my composition for this year, it’s called “Basketball” – it turned out pretty good and it helped me share how much I’m enjoying Basketball this year!
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