Big Bird and the Grey Kitty

Big Bird and the Grey Kitty

We had lots of fun today going around trick or treating.  God thought it would be fun if we had a little bit of snow today too – so it was a little cold.  We decided we would take in the fun at the mall first, as all the stores were giving out some great treats.  Then we heading out to our kind neighbours and filled our bags.  We can’t believe how many treats we have!  Dad and mom let us pick a few treats a day to enjoy and we are loving it.  We had lots of outfits to choose from, thanks to Grandma Gheyssen who buys the outfits when Walmart is clearing them out.  My cool costume actually came from a garage sale this summer, only cost a dollar!  I didn’t see any other big birds out there!  Sarah was super cute as a grey kitty and so soft and cuddly.  Too bad we couldn’t ask for candy every day!

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